Brandon Carter (985)969-0810                                   



Kansas is an extremely diverse state in regards to habitat. From open prairie without a tree in sight to densely wooded oak ridges to fertile flat corn fields...and everything in between! This is one of the traits that makes Kansas such an amazing trophy whitetail destination.  Our properties are all 100% free range and are located in east central Kansas a little over an hour to the southwest of Kansas City.  This location makes air travel as well as vehicular travel extremely easy.  This region of the state resembles more traditional midwest farms where soybean and corn fields are king.  Creek branches, river bottoms and ditches slice through these vast agricultural areas, providing whitetails with the "perfect storm" of abundant nutrition, cover, and travel corridors.   This area also contains ridges and foot hills that are not suitable for grain production but provide an amazing whitetail habitat.  Hardwoods and cedars cover the tops with plum thickets, osage trees and dense brush choking up the drainages.  Nutritious prairie grass fills in all the gaps and feeds the deer and cattle over the spring and summer.  As fall approaches the cattle are removed and an outstanding population of whitetails remain. In addition to all the agriculture and natural food, we provide our deer herd with mineral, food plots, and EXTENSIVE supplemental feed.  It is easy to picture why so many trophy class bucks come from this region, historically and TODAY!

The first thing you will notice on Reel Shot Whitetail's properties is the amount of buck sign. Everywhere you look on our property you will find big rubs and scrapes. This tells a knowledgeable hunter two things. First, and the most obvious, is there's a lot of bucks here! Brandon has whitetail hunted all over the country for many years and he noted that of all the properties he's been on, these farms have the most buck sign he's ever witnessed. The second thing this tells a hunter is the herd is balanced in regards to buck to doe ratio AND age structure.  The more competition there is, the more sign bucks will create. This also translates to more sightings for hunters as the bucks are active during daylight hours competing for breeding rights. By seeing so many BIG rubs the hunter also knows there are mature bucks in the herd. A big rub doesn't necessarily indicate a big rack but it does indicate a mature animal as a young spindly immature buck doesn't have the muscles to polish a tree the size of your thigh!

This area of Kansas will produce great bucks on nearly any property. However, we have cherry picked the very best farms that provide ample food and cover that also have a history of extremely low hunting pressure. You can see in our trail camera photos, we have NO problems with bucks daylighting or growing big! This is a free range hunt so we can't guarantee your success but we guarantee that our properties hold the kind of bucks that hunters dream of and we will have you well positioned for an opportunity.

The Property